Pintura de la escultora, ceramista y pintora Yolanda Rivas, boliviana.


The course requirements are designed to help you pace your work and build your language abilities through a combination of mutually reinforcing elements. This is what your instructors expect of you:

1. Attending class everyday, arriving on time, being alert, prepared and ready to participate. Your participation contributes to everyone's learning. Punctual attendance is essential in this course and highly valued by your instructors.

2. Preparing for class in advance. Your syllabus tells you exactly what you will study on a particular day and whether you have a quiz or homework to turn in. Please prepare for the new lesson the day before by reading the new material and reviewing the past lesson.

3. Turning in homework on time every week. The workbook alternates between Workbook Activities and Laboratory Activities. The lab activities are keyed to the audiocassettes. Neither the use of audiocassettes nor the completion of Lab Activities are a course requirement. However, you must fill out the exercises in "Workbook Activities" and turn them in. Homework is due mostTuesday mornings, a few of the workbook assignments are due on Thursdays. You must correct the homework before you hand it in. You will receive no credit for homework that is handed in uncorrected. Late homework will not be accepted.

4. Watching the films. You must watch the films at the scheduled times outside of class. You will receive a list with the time and location where the films will be shown. If you have a scheduling conflict, you must arrange to see the episodes on your own in the LRC before the day they will be discussed in the drill class. On the Friday of the week when films are shown, you will have an oral discussion related to the film's theme. **(Preguntar Paula Dale)**Videos are shown twice a week, on Mondays and Thursdays at 7:30 in Kohlberg 330.

5. To work at the LRC.

6. Taking one weekly test in grammar and one weekly oral/written test in drill. These quick tests, given mostly on Mondays and Thursdays, help you and your instructors evaluate your progress, and encourage you to review each lesson as you move along. There are no make up tests.

7. Completing writing assignments and compositions. You will hand in the compositions in the grammar section. Handwriten papers will not be accepted. In order to use spell check in Spanish, go to the "tools" menu and select "language" and "Spanish".

8. Reading short stories. We will be using a reader that includes a selection of short stories specifically chosen for our course.

9. Taking a final, comprehensive examination. This exam will cover the material from both the grammar and the drill sections.




Here is how your grade is determined:




Homework and other written work


  Participation 10%


Oral quizzes


Participation in
class, lab and videos




Final Examination





One hundred points are correlated to letter grades following this formula:

A+ 97-100

B+ 87-89

C+ 77-79

D+ 67-69

F- 59

A 93-96

B 83-86

C 73-76

D 63-66

A- 90-92

B- 80-82

C- 70-72

D- 60-62

If you take the course for credit/non-credit you still get an equivalent grade on your report. If you are a junior or senior taking the class in this way, please remember that you must achieve a minimal equivalent grade of C.

Please note that every five unjustified absences (drill and grammar combined) automatically lower a student's grade by four points over the total hundred and are recorded in pass/fail reports.