Jacques-Louis David |
Death of Socrates |
Metropolitan Museum of Art |
New York City |
Suggested Philosophy Links
The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy (in development) Each entry is submitted to one editor by volunteers. Its quality, therefore, is likely to be uneven. It has entries for most items, but these are mere sketches until longer entries are forthcoming. |
Glossary of Philosophical Terms (from the Blackwell Companion to Philosophy) Ever wonder what a posteriori means? This brief glossary may get you over the roughest spots, but don't rely on it for anything more than a quick definition. |
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (in development) Each section (e.g., political philosophy) will eventually have its own editor and the articles will be carefully vetted. Where no entry has been received there is no sketch of an entry. |
Now that the Britannica is online, it provides a good source for general articles on philosophy. What is even better, it provides a list of its own internet searches for articles on the topic you looked up. Worth a try. It also has a dictionary. |
Poesis: Philosophy Journal Searches POIESIS: Philosophy Online Serials is an essential reference and publishing service that offers searchable online access to a single database containing the fulltext of current,recent, and back issues of a growing number of philosophy journals. Every word in every journal issue in the database is fully searchable,including all articles, book reviews, footnotes, announcements, and notices. Uniquely structured around the journals in a single discipline, POIESIS includes dozens of philosophy journals published by philosophical societies,departments university presses, and commercial publishers. POIESIS will ultimately contain 100 philosophy journals, and UMI is providing the project with electronic access to its collection of philosophy dissertation abstracts. More than 60 journals have been licensed for the project, and current and/or recent issues of 30 philosophy journals are now in the POIESIS database. |
Noesis: A Philosophical Search Engine The Internet Applications Laboratory at the University of Evansville would like to announce the beta release of a new search engine dedicated to philosophy on the Internet. Designed by the makers of Argos, an ancient and medieval search engine, and Hippias, another philosophy search engine, Noesis employees new search routines that allow users to approach data from a variety of perspectives. In addition to a search engine, Noesis includes a browsable index,broken down into a separate author index and a collections index. They are planning on adding a topical index over time that will allow users to browse and search files according to their pertinence to the various areas of study recognized by professional philosophers. |
Hippias Philosophy Search Engine This outstanding search engine is limited to philosophy. It is a fine "source of sources." |
ThePerseus Atlas Project is a part of the Perseus project's efforts to build an interrelated collection of hypermedia databases focused on classical Greece. The Perseus Atlas Project has been supported by: the College of the Holy Cross; Bates College; and Tufts University. |
Resources via Earlham Whew! This enormous collection
of sources is continually updated by Peter Suber of Earlham
College. G'day from downunder.
Philosophy in Cyberspace is an annotated guide to
philosophy-related resources on the internet, indexing more
than 1000 philosophy-related sites,mailing lists, and 60
newsgroups in 50 categories, divided into five sub-sections.
The page is maintained regularly, with all links checked
monthly to insure accuracy. Well organized. Philosophy
Sources from Liverpool Cheers from the home to the
Beatles! One link in this fine set of sources is to
List Servers This
provides "listservers" enabling you to have discussion
"threads" delivered to your e-mail. Instructions for
subscribing and unsubscribing given. The
Voice of the Shuttle: Philosophy Page A great place to begin! It has
links to many of the sites listed below, and is itself
clearly laid out and filled with excellent resources.
Who says philosophy doesn't pay?
This commercial site offers many fine links to philosophy
sites. It also offers a free e-mail service to keep you
up-to-date on philosophy sites.And as a bonus, it offers
links to pix of all your favorite
philosophers! Links
to Your Favorite Philosophers This nicely organized list will
take you to web pages devoted to particular
philosophers. Search Multiple Databases of
Philosophy Web Sites Virtual
Philosophy Resources from Valdosta This fine site run by Ron
Barnette at Valdosta State University in Georgia contains
many links. Especially good are links to E-Texts by
The Philosophical Gourmet Report, 1998-2000 Ranks Graduate school programs in philosophy by areas of strength; also ranks law schools for their jurisprudential strengths. Good, if not taken too seriously. |
Want to Buy Books? Amazon and Barnes and Nobleare commercial web sites that sell books (and compact discs) at a discounted prices. While the postage often negates the discount (especially for single book orders), either can get you a book within a day or so -- if it is available. You may wish to check both to see which offers the best buy on any particular book. But for an even better deal, see DealPilot It searches the best prices from a wide variety of book sellers, and then takes you directly to the home page of the seller that offers the best combination of basic price, postage costs, and time of delivery that suits you. |
The Philosophy Documentation Center provides an online bookstore and reference service. Thousands of titles,including books, electronic texts on floppy disk or CD-ROM,videos, and audio cassettes from more than 130 publishers, are available here at discount prices. Free searches of the database will provide you with information on titles relating to your particular field of philosophical interest. You can search the database by author, title, format, publisher, publication date,and ISBN. The Philosophy Documentation Center is also adding subject classifications for each title, brief descriptions or author abstracts, and biographical information on authors and famous philosophers. |
Images of Philosophers: To See 'Em is to Love 'Em You've read their books, now see the authors! |
Saint Jerome in His Study
Inscribed 1442; Attributed to Jan van Eyck (Flemish, ca. 1390-1441); Oil on linen paper on oak panel; 19.9 x 12.5 cm (7 7/8 x 4 7/8 in.)