Design B

In the following computer-generated architectural renderings, trees have been removed to aid clarity. Pattern of paths is suggestive only (not a required part of design).

Perspective view:

Looking North from Kohlberg toward Dupont:

Looking West from Hicks parking lot:

Description: The "Classical" scheme proposes the construction of a new 2 story building (plus basement and mechanical penthouse) located in front of the Harry Wood Garden of Dupont Hall. This new building is linked to the remaining portions of Dupont Hall (Chemistry and Research Addition) via connectors on both floors. Wet Labs, classrooms, Computer Science, and Mechanical Systems will occupy the new construction.

DuPont is essentially demolished, but the remaining Chemistry and Research Addition are completely renovated, and new large (200 seat and 80 seat) lecture halls are constructed adjacent to Cornell Science Library and the New Building. The roof on the lecture halls construction will form a new open plaza with views toward the Crum Woods.

A new Central Chilled Water Plant is constructed as a free-standing building near the base of the water tower.

A new addition in front of Cornell, linked to Martin Hall with a glass-enclosed connector on the second floor and a covered walkway on the first floor, provides space for Biology and other shared functions. There will also be a covered walkway linking Cornell with Dupont Hall.

Martin Hall has a new Mechanical Penthouse constructed, with infrastructure upgrades and selective renovation of areas adjacent to the central core of the building, as well as corridors and the Main Entrance.

Advantages: Centralizes New Program; redefines North edge of Quad with strong architectural presence; establishes a destination/terminus of North/South campus axis; maximizes future flexibility due to increased area of new construction with optimum bay size and floor-to-floor height.

Disadvantages: building is "longer" than adjacent buildings; requires significant demolition of Dupont Hall; construction phasing complications exist due to extent of existing building demolition.

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last updated 9/20/99
