Update as of September 12, 2002
Period 12 to 18 September
- No major shutdowns are planned in the next two weeks.
Cornell Library
- No work associated with the Science Center is scheduled inside
Cornell during this period. The granite facade on the north face
of the stair tower will be installed.
Cornell Addition (a.k.a. Biology/ Commons Wing)
- Mechanical services are continuing at the lower level and in
the 200-seat Lecture Hall. The remaining five architectural
concrete columns will be sand-blasted on Saturday, September 14th.
The laminated wood beams for the Commons roof will be delivered
and erected during the next two weeks. The roof of the new
40-seat classroom was poured and formwork will be stripped next
week. Installation of the windows for the Biology wing will begin
in the next two weeks. Installation of the Commons elevator will
start during the next two weeks. The granite and schist veneers
will continue on the 40-seat classroom and walls in the courtyard
between the Commons and Dupont.
Chiller Plant
- Mechanical piping and electrical services are being
Chemistry Wing
- Rough-in of mechanical and electrical services is in progress
in the penthouse and on the second floor. The exterior concrete
block back-up walls are being erected. The schist stone veneer
will start on the south end of the Chemistry wing next week.
Roofing on the penthouse is substantially complete.
- Paving at the Trotter square is complete.
- The chilled water piping installation will be completed early
next week. The service drive will be paved and re-opened to
vehicle and foot traffic within the next two weeks.
- Two additional trenches are being cut on the North Quad to
complete sanitary and data line tie-ins outside the construction
fence. The work area is enclosed in orange snow fence.
- The electric duct bank will be completed and the cables will
start to be pulled from the transformer into the Cornell Addition
mechanical room during this period.
- The North Quad entrance to Beardsley and the sidewalk from
Beardsley to Whittier Place will be reopened within two
- There will be intermittent traffic blockages on the service
drive behind Dupont Building beginning in the next two weeks while
underground utilities are connected to the Chiller Plant.
- Deliveries of stone, wood beams, ductwork and mechanical
equipment will be on-going. There will be restricted passage
along the service drive near the water tower while utility work is
in progress.
- Parking along Whittier Place is prohibited during the hours of
7 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday.
- The construction work force has grown due to the number of
trades working on the site simultaneously. There have been
parking problems on the north campus. The project team is
reviewing options in an attempt to alleviate this congestion.
- There will be some noise from delivery trucks, cranes and saws
throughout this period. The noise is not expected to be disruptive
to nearby buildings.
- Expect deliveries to generate dust on-site.
- There will be some dust generated by the on-going trenching
for the chilled water lines and electrical duct bank north of
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Send message to the chair
of the Science Project User's Group, Rachel Merz
For inquiries regarding construction issues, send message to
last updated 9/20/02