Dupont Research Annex
· Temporary partitions will be installed along the exterior
walls of Rooms 192, 193A, 193B, 240 and 242 over the next
several weeks. Construction in Room 193B will begin Monday
Dupont--Temporary North Entrance
· A bike rack has been installed in the parking space closest to
the ramp.
Dupont--Lecture Hall
· The work in this area is complete.
Dupont--Math Wing
· The work in this area is complete.
Dupont÷Physics Wing
· The temporary platform at the connector to Cornell will be
replaced in October with a more permanent structure. This work
will be timed to occur during hours of minimal use.
Rugby Field
· The existing road alongside the Research Annex has been
demolished and the installation of underground utilities is in
· Stockpiling of topsoil and fill is complete. Modifications to
the swale will occur within the next two weeks.
North Quad
· Installation of the construction fence on the North Quad is
complete. Note the pathways marked with signs and arrows
painted on the ground that lead from Beardsley around to the north
entrance to Dupont.
Cornell Library
· The temporary platform at the connector to Dupont will be
replaced in October with a more permanent structures. This work
will be timed to occur during hours of minimal use.
· The reconstruction of the canopy on the front of the building
is complete. The canopy roofing is being replaced and a gutter
will be added in the next two weeks.
· A new emergency exit was installed in the north end of the
lower level of Cornell to replace the exit doors that were taken out
of service on the first floor.
· There will be another interruption to the water
service on most of the north campus Saturday 10/6 beginning at 10:00
p.m. Service is expected to be restored by 6:00 a.m. Sunday
morning. Affected buildings include: Beardsley, Cornell
Library, Courtney Smith House, Dupont, Hicks, Lang Music, Martin,
Pearson, Papazian, Swarthmore Friends Meetinghouse, Trotter, 510-512
Elm Avenue, and all of the houses on Whittier Place.
· There will be a temporary shutdown of the service drive to
Beardsley so that the electric service can be completed in the new
manhole. The shutdown date is not yet scheduled, but will occur
in approximately 2 weeks. Please contact Facilities to
coordinate any critical deliveries to Beardsley in the next 2-3
· Parking along Whittier Place is prohibited during the hours of
7 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday.
· Electrical work inside the manhole in the Hicks lot is continuing.
· Excavation at the service drive over the next two weeks
will create some dust in the immediate area.
· There will be a major construction delivery on Tuesday
10/9. Two manholes will be delivered, using a crane and
three tractor trailers. One manhole will be installed at the
site of the Chiller Plant. The other will be installed north of
Beardsley. Flagmen will be on site for the delivery, and
temporary fencing will be erected around the excavated area.
The path from Beardsley north to Dupont (ending at the tire scrubber)
will be closed for approximately two weeks while one of the manholes
is installed. Temporary signage will direct pedestrians along
the temporary path used previously, across the north face of Hicks to
the entrance to the rugby parking
to Home Page
message to the chair
of the Science Project User's Group, Rachel Merz
inquiries regarding construction issues, send message to
updated 10/5/01