Latest update. 5/10/95

Thelen, D. "Urban Politics: Beyond Bosses and Reformers," Reviews in American History 7 (1979), 411-12.
Allswang, John M. Bosses, Machines and Urban Voters (1977)
Buenker, John, "The Urban Political Machine and the 17th Amendment," Journal of American History 56 (1969), 305-22.
Dorset, L., "The City Boss and the Reformer," Pacific Northwest Quarterly 63 (1972), 150-54.
Fox, Kenneth, Better City Goverment: Innovation in American Urban Politics 1850-1937 (1977)
DiGaetano, Alan., "Urban political reform: did it kill the machine?" Journal of Urban History v. 18 (Nov. '91) p. 37-67 [ S McCabe [[breve]] [[breve]] LIB HAS 14- 1987
Griffith, Ernest, A History of American City Government: The Conspicuous Failure 1870-1900 (1974)
Hays, Samuel P. "The Changing Political Structure of the City in Industrial America," J.Urban History 1 (1974) [Sw. no]
Teaford, Jon C., Political Fragmentation of Metropolitan America 1850-1970 (Balt. 1979)
Zink, Harold,City Bosses [older classic study, 1930]
Anderson, Alan D. The Origin and Resolution of an Urban Crisis: Baltimore 1890-1930 (1977)
Bean, W., Boss Reuf's San Francisco
Crooks, J., Politics and Progress: Urban Progressivism in Baltimore
Dorset, L., The Prensdergast Machine
Hammack, David C. Power and Society: greater New York at the turn of the Century (1982)
Henderson, Thomas M., Tammany Hall and the New Immigrants: The Progressive Years (1972)
Hershkowitz, Leo, Tweed's New York: Another Look (1977) [earlier but will lead you on to the vast literature on Tweed]
Holli, Melvin G., Reform in Detroit (1969)
Huthmacher, J. "Urban Liberalism in the Age of Reform," Journal of Am. Hist. 49 (1962), 231-41. [New York]
Lubove, Roy, Twentieth Century Pittsburgh (1969)
Miller, William D. Memphis during the Progressive Era (1965) [Sw. no]
'' , Mr. Crump of Memphis (1964)
Miller, Zane, Boss Cox's Cincinnati
Hays, Samuel "The Politics of Reform," Pacific Northwest Q [xerox file level III]
Rice, Bradley R. Progressive Cities: The Commision Government Movement in America 1901-20 (1977). JS342.R55
Schiesl, Martin J., The Politics of Efficiency: Municipal Administration and Reform in America 1880-1920 (Berkeley: U. Cal, 1977) JS309.S34
Weinstein, James "Organized Business and the City Commision and Manager Movements," Journal of So. History 28 (1963), 166-82 [also chapter 4 in his The Corporate Ideal]



Written by Robert Bannister, Swarthmore College (emeritus). Please send suggestions/corrections to