Biography and Autobiography
*updated 6/26/97
The following is a selected list of biographies, autobiographies, and articles by and about leading muckrakers and journalists of the progressive era. Call numbers are to Tripod [Swarthmore,Haverford, Bryn Mawr libraries]
Baker, Ray S., Native American (1941); American Chronicle (1945)
Bok, Edward W., The Americanization of Edward Bok (1920) [n.a.]
Steffens, Lincoln, The Autobiography of Lincoln Steffens (1931)
Tarbell, Ida M., All in the Day's Work (1939) [n.a.]
White, William A., Autobiography (1946)
Whitlock, Brand, Forty Years of It (1924, c. 1914)
Biography and Letters
Baker, Ray Stannard
Bannister, Robert C., Ray Stannard Baker; the mind and thought of a progressive (New Haven, Yale University Press, 1966) [McCabe CT275.B313 B3]
Semonche, John E., Ray Stannard Baker; a quest for democracy in modern America, 1870-1918, (Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press [1969] [H MagillCT275.B313 S4 ].
Connelly, Vera
Waller-Zuckerman, Mary Ellen, "Vera Connolly: Progressive journalist, " Journalism History v. 15 (Summer/Autumn '88) p. 80-8 [Tripod no]
McClure, SS.
Lyon, Peter, , Success story, the life and times of S. S. McClure (New York, Scribner 1963) [H Magill PN4874.M35 L99
Phillips, David Graham
Filler, Louis, Voice of the democracy: a critical biography of David Graham Phillips, journalist, novelist, progressive (University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, c1978) McCabePS3531.H5 Z67
James McGovern, "D.G. Phillips and the Virility Impulse of the Progressives," New England Quarterly 39 (1966), 334-55
Miraldi, Robert., "The journalism of David Graham Phillips," Journalism Quarterly v. 63 (Spring '86) p. 83-8
Ravitz, Abe C., David Graham Phillips (New York, Twayne Publishers [1966])[ S McCabePS3531.H5 Z87]
Sinclair, Upton
Bloodworth, William A Upton Sinclair [Boston: Twayne Publishers, c1977.[S McCabe PS3537.I36 Z572 LOST/PD [NB}[[breve]]2 > B CanadayPS3537.I85 Z572;
Dell, Floyd, 1887-1969., Upton Sinclair: a study in social protest (New York: George H. Doran company, [c1927]]
Grenier, Judson A, in Reform and reformers in the progressive era [S McCabe HN64 .R422 1983
Steffens, Lincoln
Cheslaw, Irving G., An Intellectual Biography of Lincoln Steffens, unpublished PhD Columbia, 1952.
Cochran, Bud, "Lincoln Steffens and the Art of Autobiography," College Composition 16 (May 1965): 102-105.
Dudden, Arthur P., "Lincoln Steffens Philadelphia," Pennsylvania History 31 (October 1964):499-58
Hays, Samuel, "The Shame of the Cities Revisited: The Case of Pittsburgh," in The Muckrakers and American Society., ed. Herbert Shapiro (Boston, 1968)
Hicks, Granville, "Lincoln Steffens:He Covered the Future, The prototype of the Fellow Traveller," Commentary 8 (February 1952):147-55.
Horton, Russell M, Lincoln Steffens (New York, Twayne Publishers [1974] [S McCabePN4874.S68 H6]
Kaplan, Justin, Lincoln Steffens; a biography ( New York, Simon and Schuster (1974) [S McCabePN4874.S68 K3]
Lasch, Christopher, "The Education of Lincoln Steffens," The New Radicalism in America (1965)
Palermo, Patrick F., Lincoln Steffens (Boston: Twayne Publishers, 1978.[B Canaday PN4874.S68 P34 ]
Rollins, Alfred B,. The Heart of Lincoln Steffens, South Atlantic Quarterly 59 (Spring 1960):239-50.
Steffens, Lincoln, The world of Lincoln Steffens. Edited by Ella Winter and Herbert Shapiro. Introd. by Barrows Dunham (New York, Hill and Wang [1962])[S McCabe PS3537.T313 A4
Steffens, Lincoln, The world of Lincoln Steffens. Edited by Ella Winter and Herbert Shapiro. Introd. by Barrows Dunham (New York, Hill and Wang [1962])[S McCabePS3537.T313 A4
Steffens, Lincoln, The letters of Lincoln Steffens , edited with introductory notes by Ella Winter and Granville Hicks; with a memorandum by Carl Sandburg (New York: Harcourt, Brace and compnay, [c1938])[S McCabe PN4874.S68 A4 v.1 , 2 > S McCabe PN4874.S68 A4 v.2
Steffens, Lincoln, The letters of Lincoln Steffens , edited with introductory notes by Ella Winter and Granville Hicks; with a memorandum by Carl Sandburg (New York: Harcourt, Brace and company, [c1938])[S McCabe PN4874.S68 A4 v.1, 2 > S McCabe PN4874.S68 A4 v.2
Stein, Harry, "Lincoln Steffens:Interviewer, Journalism Quarterly 46 (Winter 1969): 727-36
Stinson, Robert, Lincoln Steffens (New York: F. Ungar Pub. Co., c1979[S McCabePN4874.S68 S7]
Stinson, Robert, Lincoln Steffens (New York: F. Ungar Pub. Co., c1979[S McCabe PN4874.S68 S7]
Whitfield, Stephen J. , "Muckraking Lincoln Steffens, Virg. Q. Review 54 (Winter 1978): 87-103
Winter, Ella, And Not to Yield: An Autobiography (1968) [Tripod no]
Tarbell, Ida
Brady, Kathleen, Ida Tarbell: portrait of a muckraker (New York: Seaview/Putnam, c1984 (H MagillPN4874.T23 B7 1984 [ord Sw. 6/91]
Tomkins, Mary E., Ida M. Tarbell (New York, Twayne Publishers [1974](S McCabePS3539.A58 Z9
White, William Allen
Griffith, Sally Foreman., Home town news: William Allen White and the Emporia gazette (New York: Oxford University Press, 1989) [S McCabe PN4874.W52 G75 1989