Latest revision 10/7/95

*see separate files on Basball, Boxing, Football


Adelman, L Melvin L., " Academicians and American Athletics," Journal of Sport History 10 (Spring 1983): 80-106.

Cahn, Susan K., "Sports talk: oral history and its uses, problems, and possibilities for sport history, "The Journal of American History , 81 (Sept. '94) p. 594-609)

Guttmann, Allen, "Commentary: Who's On First?" Journal of American History 66 (September 1979): 348-54

Hardy, Stephen,"The City and the Rise of American Sport 1820-1920," Exercise and Sports Sciences Reviews," 9 (1981): 183-219

Lewis, Robert M., American sport history: a bibliographical guide.I, American Studies International , 29 (Apr. '91) p. 35-59 [Tripod no]

Rader, Benjamin G., "Modern Sports: In Search of Interpretations," Journal of Social History 13 (w. 1979): 307-21.

Riess, Steven, "Sport and the American Dream," Journal of Social History 14 (December 1980):295-301.

Riess, Steven., "The new sport article., Reviews in American History, 18 (Sept. '90) p. 311-25. [comprehensive overview. Discusses many titles cited here]

Zingg, Paul J., "Sport and American society: an assessment of sources and prospects," Journal of American Culture , 9 (Summer '86) p. 17-25 [must get on ILL]

Periodicals (devoted to sports)

Journal of sport history (Seattle, WA : North American Society for Sport History , 1974-) [H Cricket GV571 .J68

Older Studies (see Riess, "New Sports History," note 1.


Adelman, Melvin L. (Melvin Leonard), A sporting time : New York City and the rise of modern athletics (Urbana : University of Illinois Press, c1986.) [S McCabe GV584.5.N4 A34 1986

Betts, John R. America's Sporting Heritage (1974)

Guttmann, Allen From Ritual to Record (1978)

Hardy, Stephen, How Boston played : sport, recreation, and community, 1865-1915 [Boston, MA] : Northeastern University Press, 1982.) [ H Magill GV584.5.B6 H37 1982]

Hoover, Dwight W. and John T.A. Koumoulides, Sports and society (Muncie, IN : Dept. of History, Ball State University, c1982) [S McCabe D1 .C65 ,1, no.8]

Mrozek, Donald J., Sport and American mentality, 1880-1910 (Knoxville : University of Tennessee Press, c1983[B Canaday GV583 .M76 1983

Owens, Larry., Pure and sound government: laboratories, playing fields, and gymnasia in the nineteenth-century search for order, Isis , 76 (June '85) p. 182-94

Paxson, Frederick L. "The Rise of Sport," Journal of Am. Hist [then MVHR] 4 (1917), 144-68.

Podell, Janet, ed. Sports in America (New York : Wilson, 1986) ISBN 0824207130 [S McCabe PN4181 .R3 ,57, no.5]

Pope, Steven W., Negotiating the "folk highway" of the nation: sport, public culture and American identity, 1870-1940., Journal of Social History , 27 (Winter '93) p. 327-40

Rader, Benjamin, "The Quest for Subcommunities and the Rise of American Sport," American Quarterly 29 (1977), 355-69.

Riess, Steven A., City games : the evolution of American urban society and the rise of sports (Urbana : University of Illinois Press, c1989)B Canaday GV583 .R54 1989] For reviews see: American Quarterly , 42 (Sept. '90) p. 513-20; Reviews in American History , 18 (Mar. '90) p. 27-32 ;The American Political Science Review , 84 (Sept. '90) p. 1013-14 , The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science , 511 (Sept. '90) p. 209-10; The Journal of Economic History , 50 (June '90) p. 487-8

Roberts, Randy, , Winning is the only thing : sports in America since 1945 (Baltimore, Md : Johns Hopkins University Press, c1989[ B Canaday GV583 .R6 1989 ]. For reviews see: The Journal of Southern History , 57 (May '91) p. 354-5 ; The Sewanee Review , 99 (Fall '91) p. 678-88

Spivey., Donald, Sport in America : new historical perspectives (Westport, Conn. : Greenwood Press, 1985), CONTENTS Horses and gentlemen : the cultural significance of gambling among the gentry of Virginia / T.H. Breen -- Leisure time on the Southern plantation : the slaves' respite from constant toil, 1810-1860 / David K. Wiggins -- Quantification and sport : the American Jockey Club, 1866-1867 : a collective bibliography / Melvin L. Adelman -- Baseball in the small Ohio community, 1865-1900 / Carl M. Becker and Richard H. Grigsby --In the ring and out : professional boxing in New York, 1896-1920 / Steven A. Riess -- Lefties and righties : the Communist[H Magill GV583 .S6824 1985 ]
Spring, Joel, "Mass Culture and School Sports," History of Education Quarterly 14 (1974), 483-500.

Sports in Literature

Oriard, Michael, Dreaming of heroes : American sports fiction, 1868-1980 (Chicago : Nelson-Hall, c1982) [McCabe PS3565.R53 D7 1982



Written by Robert Bannister, Swarthmore College (emeritus). Please send suggestions/corrections to