Woodrow Wilson

A Selected Bibliography

rev. 9/4/95
Since the literature on Wilson is immense, the following include only the better or more recent biographies/studies. For the purposes of the class report these should be used primarily for reference on points concerning youth and education as possible alternatives to psychological explanations.

Turnbull, Laura S. comp. Woodrow Wilson, A selected Bibliography (1948) [Ref. Z8976.9.T8]

Alsop, E, Bowles, ed., The Greatness of Woodrow Wilson 1856-1956
Durden, R.F. "Woodrow Wilson and His New Biographers," South Atlantic Q. 56 (1957), 500-5.
Watson, Richard, "Woodrow Wilson and His Interpreters," Journal of Am. Hist. 44 (1957), 207-36.
Brodie, Bernard, "A Psychological Interpretation of Woodrow Wilson," in Psychoanalysis in History, ed. B. Mazlish (1963).
Bullitt, W.C. and Freud, S. Thomas Woodrow Wilson (1967). See also discussion of this book in Encounter 28 (Jan, Feb. April), and 29:86-89.
George, Alexander and Juliette, Woodrow Wilson and Colonel House (1956).
Lewis, T.T., Alternate psychological Interpretations of Woodrow Wilson," Mid-America 65 (1983), 71-85.
Ross, Dorothy, "Woodrow Wilson and the Case for Psychohistory," Journal of American History 69 (1982), 659-68. [n.b. must reading for class report]
Tucker, R.C. "George's Wilson Reexamined," American Political Science Review 71 (1977), 606-18.
Weinstein, Edwin A. Woodrow Wilson (1981)
Baker, Ray Stannard , Woodrow Wilson Life and Letters (8 vols) [for analysis of see latter chapters of R.C. Bannister, Ray Stannard Baker (1966)
Bragdon, Henry W. Woodrow Wilson: The Academic Years (1967)
Hale, William B. The Story of a Style (1920). [PS 3339.W327]
Link, Arthur, Wilson (5 vols.) [replaced Baker's authorized biography].
Mulder, John M. Woodrow Wilson: The Years of Preparation (1978).
Other Studies
Anderson, James W. and Link, A., "Wilson's Political Personality," Political Science Quarterly 93 (1978-79), 586.
Latham, Earl ed. The Philosophy and Politics of Woodrow Wilson (Chicago, 1958).
Stillman, R.J. "Wilson and the Study of Administration," American Political Science Review 67 (1973), 582-88.
Recent Studies (since 1985)
Burton, David Henry, The learned presidency : Theodore Roosevelt, William Howard Taft, Woodrow Wilson (Rutherford, N.J. : Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, c1988.) [B Canaday E176.1 .B935 1988
Carpenter, Ronald H., 1933-, Woodrow Wilson as speechwriter for George Creel: presidential style in discourse as an index of personality., Presidential Studies Quarterly v. 19 (Winter '89) p. 117-26 .
Clements, Kendrick A., 1939-, The presidency of Woodrow Wilson (Lawrence, Kan. : University Press of Kansas, c1992) [H Magill E766 .C44 1992
Dallek, Robert., Woodrow Wilson, politician., The Wilson Quarterly v. 15 (Autumn '91) p. 106-14
Fromkin, David., What is Wilsonianism?, World Policy Journal 11 (Spring '94) p. 100-11
Graham, Sally Hunter., Woodrow Wilson, Alice Paul, and the woman suffrage movement, Political Science Quarterly v. 98 (Winter '83/'84) p. 665-79
Heckscher, August, 1913-, Woodrow Wilson (New York : Scribner ; Toronto : Maxwell Macmillan Canada ; New York : Maxwell Macmillan International, c1991) [Magill E767 .H44 1991 2 > B Canaday E767 .H44 1991
Hoopes, Roy, 1922-, "Politics is adjourned!"W. Wilson's intervention in 1918 congressional race, American History Illustrated v. 21 (Nov. '86) p. 18-24
Link, Arthur S., That Cobb interview., The Journal of American History v. 72 (June '85) p. 7-17
Noble, Charles., Wilson's choice: the political origins of the modern American state., Comparative Politics v. 17 (Apr. '85) p. 313-36
Rogal, Samuel J., "From pedagogue to president: Thomas Woodrow Wilson as teacher- scholar" Presidential Studies Quarterly v. 24 (Winter '94) p. 49-56
Saunders, Frances Wright, 1920-, Ellen Axson Wilson : first lady between two worlds (hapel Hill : University of North Carolina Press, c1985.) [B Canaday E767.3.W64 S28 1985
Saunders, Robert M., History, health and herons: the historiography of Woodrow Wilson's personality and decision-making., Presidential Studies Quarterly v. 24 (Winter '94) p. 57-77
Schulte Nordholt, J. W., , Woodrow Wilson : een leven voor de wereldvrede. English, Woodrow Wilson : a life for world peace /translated by Herbert H. Rowen.(Berkeley : University of California Press, c1991) [ McCabe E767 .S2613 1991
Stid, Daniel D., Woodrow Wilson & the problem of party government., Polity v. 26 (Summer '94) p. 553-78
Thorsen, Niels, The political thought of Woodrow Wilson, (Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, c1988)B Canaday E767.1 .T47 1988
Vought, Hans., "Division and reunion: Woodrow Wilson, immigration, and the myth of American unity,"Journal of American Ethnic History v. 13 (Spring '94) p. 24-50
Zentner, Scot J., Liberalism & executive power: Woodrow Wilson & the American founders," Polity v. 26 (Summer '94) p. 579-99 "



Written by Robert Bannister, Swarthmore College (emeritus). Please send suggestions/corrections to rbannis1@swarthmore.edu