Latest revision 7/1/91


Abbott, Edith. Women in Industry (1913) [HD6095.A8
Brandeis, Louis Dembitz, Women in industry (New York, Arno, 1969) [S McCabe KF3555 .B7 1969] Orig. 1907
Butler, Elizabeth Beardsley, Women and the trades (New York, Arno, 1969) [S McCabe HD6096.P5 B9 1969 ] Org. 1909.
Campbell, Helen, (1839-1918), Prisoners of poverty: Women wage-workers, their trades and their lives (Boston : Roberts brothers, 1890) [S McCabe HD6053 .C2
Lorwin, Lewis Levitzki, [1883-1970], The women's garment workers [by] Louis Levine (New York, Arno, 1969) [S McCabe HD6515.G3 L6 1969}



Milkman, Ruth, 1954- , "New research in women's labor history, "Signs v. 18 (Winter '93) p. 376-91
Palmer, Phyllis Gabin, Nancy Felice., Feminism in the labor movement Horne, Roger., John R. Commons and the progressive context," The Midwest Quarterly v. 32 (Spring '91) No Holdings


Brownlee, Women in the American Economy (esp. pp. 1-39).
Burman, Sandra ed. Fit work for women (New York : St. Martin's Press, 1979) [S McCabe HD6135 .F57 1979]
Dye, Nancy Shom . As Equals and As Sisters
Golden, Gloria. "Female Labor Force Participation: The Origin of Black and White Differences 1870-1880," Journal of Economic History 38 (1977): 87-108.
Groneman, "To toil the livelong day" : America's women at work, 1780-1980, edited by Carol Groneman and Mary Beth Norton(Ithaca, N.Y. : Cornell University Press, 1987) [S McCabe HD6095 .T6 1987]
Heidi Hartman, "Capitalism, Patriarchy and Job Segregation by Sex," in Anthony Giddens & David Held, Classes, Power and Conflict, pp. 446-4
Howe, Louise Kapp, Pink collar workers : inside the world of women's work, New York : Putnam, c1977) [S McCabe HD6095 .H68 1977
Kennedy, Susan Estabrook . If All We Did Was to Weep at Home (Bloomington, IN: Indiana University, 1979) [ HQ1410 .K45 1981]
Kessler-Harris, Alice. Out to Work.
Matthaeci, J.A. An Economic History of Women in America (1982). [ HQ1410 .M37
Rosaldo, Michelle Zimbalist, Woman, culture, and society. Edited by Michelle Zimbalist Rosaldo and Louise Lamphere. Contributors: Joan Bamberger [and others](Stanford, Calif., Stanford University Press, 1974) [S McCabe HQ1206 .R65
Scott, Joan "The Mechannization of Women's Work," Scientific American ,(Sept. 1982)
Scott, Joan W. and Tilly, Louise eds Women, Work, and Family (1978)
Strober, Myra, "Toward a General Theory of Occupational Sex Segregation,"in Sex segregation in the workplace : trends, explanations, remedies, ed. Barbara F. Reskin, editor ; Committee on Women's Employment and Related Social Issues, Commission on Behavioral and SocialSciences and Education, National Research Council.
Smuts, Robert W., Women and work in America, (New York, Schocken Books [1971]) [S McCabe HD6095 .S6 1971]
Washington, D.C. : National Academy Press, 1984) S McCabe HD6060.5.U5 S475 1984
Weiner, Lynn, From Working Girl to Working Mother (Chapel Hill: UNC Press, 1985) [HD6095.W39.1985]
Wertheimer, Barbara. We Were There: The Story of Working Women in America (1977).

Industrial (to 1940)

Baker, Elizabeth F. Technology and Women's Work 1800-1960 [HD6095.B43]
Blewett, Mary H., Men, women, and work : class, gender, and protest in the NewEngland shoe industry, 1780-1910 (Urbana : University of Illinois Press, c1988)[ H Magill HD8039.B72 U63 1988
Boris, Eileen, 1948-, Tenement homework on Army uniforms: the gendering of industrial democracy during World War I," Labor History v. 32 (Spring '91) p. 231-52
Campbell, Helen. Prisoners of Poverty: Women Wage Workers (1887) [HD6053.C2]
Cantor, Milton. Class, Sex, and the Woman Worker (1977) [HD6095.C54
Dye, Nancy Schrom, As equals and as sisters : feminism, the labor movement, and the Women's Trade Union League of New York (Columbia : University of Missouri Press, 1980) [HD6079.2.U52 N483
Lamphere, Louise. From Working Daughters to Working Mothers: Immigrant Women in New England Industrial Community (1987).[ HD6096.R4 L36 1987]
Levine, Susan, Labor's true woman : carpet weavers, industrialization, and laborreform in the Gilded Age (Philadelphia : Temple University Press, 1984.) [S McCabe HD6073.R942 U65 1984
Lorwin, Louis. The Women's Garment Workers (1924).
Peiss, Kathy. Cheap Amusement: Working Women and Leisure in Turn of the Century NY (1986) [F124.P38.1986].
Pinchbeck, Women Workers in the Industrial Revolution (Sw. no]
Scharf, To Work and To Wed (1980) [ HD6095 .S3]
Smuts, Robert. Women and Work in America (1959) [Sw.no?]
Tentler, Leslie W. Wage Earning Women 1900-1930 (1979) [HD6095.J44]
Vicinus, Martha. Independent Women: Work and Community for Single Women 1850-1920 (1985) [HQ800.2.V53.1985].

Industrial (since 1940: including all WWI and Women)

Anderson, Karen, Wartime Women (Westport, CN: Greenwood, 1981)
Gluck, Sherna. Rosie the Riveter Revisited (Boston: Twayne, 1987) [HD6093.A452.U64.1987]
Honey, Maureen. Creating Rosie the Riveter: Class, Gender and Propaganda (1984).
Kossoudji, Sherrie A. , Working class Rosies: women industrial workers during World War II," The Journal of Economic History v. 52 (June '92) p. 431-46
Milkman, Ruth Gender at Work: The Dynamics of Sex Segregation during World War II. [Sw. HD6060.G5.U5.M55. 1987]
Milkman, Ruth. "Redefining Women's Work: the Sexual Division of Labor in the Auto Industry during WWII, Feminist Studies 8 (1982).[ HQ1420 .H66 1984]
Wandersee, Winifred D., Women's work and family values, 1920-1940 (Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 1981) [S McCabe HD6055.2.U6 W36]

Organized Labor

Faue, Elizabeth,. "Gender, Labor, Iconography. (MS 1988) [see me for copy]
Hall, Jacquelin D. "Disorderly Women: Gender and Labor Militancy in the Appalachian South, " Journal of American History 73 (1986): 354-82.
Levine, Susan, Labor's true woman : carpet weavers, industrialization, and labor reform in the Gilded Age (Philadelphia : Temple University Press, 1984.) [S McCabe HD6073.R942 U65 1984
Milkman, Ruth, ed. Women's Work and Protest: A Century of Women's Labor History (1985) [HD6079.2.U5. W66.1985]
Jensen Joan M. Davidson, Sue. A Needle, A Bobbin , A Strike.
Groneman Carol and Mary Beth Norton, To Toil the Livelong Day: America's Women at Work, 1780-1980 chapters 9,10 &14.

Office, White Collar (see also Professions: and Women)

Aron, Cindy Sondik, Ladies and gentlemen of the civil service : middle-class workers in Victorian America (New York : Oxford University Press, 1987) [S McCabe JK691 .A76 1987 ]
Benson, Susan Porter. Counter cultures: Saleswomen, Managers, and Customers in American department Stores 1890-1940 (1986) [HF5465.U5.B45.1986]
Davies, Margaret W. Women's Place is at the Typewriter (1982) [HD6095.D37. 1982]
Dublin, Thomas, Women at Work (1979) [HD6073.T45.U52] 19th century
_____. "Women's Place is at the Typewriter :the Feminization of the Clerical Labor Force 1870-1930," Radical America 8 (July-August 1974).
Fine, Lisa M. The Souls of Skyscrapers: Female Clerical Workers in Chicago 1870-1930 (Temple, 1990)
Kapp-Howe, Louise, Pink Collar Workers (New York: Putnam, 1977)
Rotella, Elyce J. From Home to Office: U.S. Women at Work 1870-1930 (Ann Arbor: 1981) [HD6073.M392.U57.1981]

Home (housework)

Cowan, Ruth Schwartz. More Work for Mother: The Ironies of Household Technology from the Open Hearth to the Microwave (1983) [TX23 .C64 1983]
Dudden, Faye E. Serving Women: Household Service in Nineteenth Century America (1983).[HD6072.2.U5.D82.1983]
David Katzman, Seven Days a Week
Rollins,Judith Between Women: Domestics and Their Employers,
Shapiro, Laura., Perfection salad : women and cooking at the turn of the century (New York : Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, 1986.) [S McCabe TX173 .S44 1986
Strasser, Susan. Never Done: A History of American Housework (1982) [TX23.s77]
Sutherland, Daniel. Americans and Their Servants . . 1800-1920 (1981)
Wandersee, Winifred D. Women's Work and Family Values 1920-1940 (1981)



Written by Robert Bannister, Swarthmore College (emeritus). Please send suggestions/corrections to rbannis1@swarthmore.edu