NOTE: class will consider these issues in the context of the work
of Lincoln Steffens and Upton Sinclair. In addition to considering
each with reference to "muckraking," attention will be given to the
specific issues addressed in their major works: Meat
Inspection(H44#3B); and Urban Reform (Shame of the Cities, see
*introduction: general overview of movement and
1. "muckraking" the distinctive political style of progressivism,
just as other phases of liberalism often corresponded to distinctive
media styles: (a) Federalist papers and 18th century literary
newspapers; (b)"penny dailies" of Jacksonian era; (c)radio and FDR;
(d)TV and "making of presidents" since 1960s esp. JFK, Vietnam, and
more recently role of "new magazines" (20-20 etc.) ; and (e) computer
technology:mass mailings since the 1970s;internet in 1990s (role of
Web site in Clinton-Lewinsky case).
2. contours of "muckraking" since came in phrases before TR coined
the term in 1906: "pre-muckraking" (see pp 3-8 in Fitzpatrick,
ed. Muckraking)
a. early 1870s Thomas Nast cartoons
Henry and Charles F,. Adams, Chapters of
b. 1890s (more distinctly ideological, esp. left)
W.T. Stead
B.O. Flower and the Arena
H.D. Lloyd Wealth Against
c. 1903 (Jan. McClure's "formal" discovered) to 1906 (TR attack,
formation of American Magazine and transformation of McClure's, to
"sensationalist" phase of smaller muckraking journals (1907-14):
Pearson's. Over
by 1914-16.
i. 1902-3. McClure's discovery. See editorial in January
McClure's in
Fitzpatrick ed. Pp. 101-2. Questions:
* Is it enough to reduce all to "law breaking"?
* Definition of "Americans of good stock" ?
* Judgment of other institutions? Legal profession, churches,
* Who are "the people"? "We"?
ii. 1904-05. At height. Everybody's,
Collier's, Ladies Home Journal, Saturday Evening Post adopt.
iii. 1906-10. Increasing sensationalism and some reform.. Phillips
Treason leads to
TR attack;
iv. Temporary rebirth 1910-12 response to Ballinger case, rise of
Insurgency etc. brings back to national politics
v. 1912-14.
* Can speak of leading ones as identifiable group since of ca 200
articles 1903-12, some 40% are written by 12 individuals, including
S.H. Adams, R.S. Baker, B.J. Hendrick, Charles E. Russell, Lincoln Steffens,
D.G. Phillips,
Upton Sinclair,
Alfred H. Lewis, Thomas W. Lawson, Ida
Tarbell . This week will focus on those in
bold for discussion and generalizations.
3. Historiography roughly parallels that of progressivism
a. muckrakers themselves talked of "realism" as result of "science,"
which they often conflated with "democracy." See e.g. Baker,
Native American,
p. and Ida Tarbell, All in a Days
Work, p. and Steffens Autobiography,
b. Hofstadter Age of Reform same as essence of the cathartic style of progressive era,
seeing muckrakers as especially sensitive individually to status
loss. How might Hofstadter interpret the McClure's editorial of
January 1901.
c. Modernization/corporatism interpretations for a long time did not
discuss since their emphasis as not on role of public opinion but
elites. But with Schudsen, Discovering and Wilson, Labor of
Words have looked at implications of professionalization and
commercialization of journalism.
* Report/ discuss theses of Schudsen, Discovering the News and Wilson,
Labor of Words,
esp. Introduction, ch. 1. Implications of Wilson's analysis for
Rodger's "three languages" of progressivism, and the "pluralist"
analysis generally?
4. major issues. Despite significant differences, the above converge
on several issues that need explaining:
a. explanation of the distinctive "genre" of factuality," whether
called "realism" or "popular naturalism." This is a subset of larger
issue of emergence of "realism" as distinctive style of American
middle class discourse in late 19th and early 20th century
(for example, see Baker, American
Chronicle , chs. 11, 18-22)
*discussion of exactly what muckraking style was: ralate to other
comparable forms
"satire". This
contrast suggests comparson between American and older European
societies. Satire demands aristocracy?
"cynicism" esp.
with relation to contemporary "naturalist cynics" Mencken, Beirce,
b. their political commitments (or lack thereof). How muckaking
functioned, whether as catharsis or as aspect of "new politics"
c. apparent bifurcation between literary/philosophical and hardheaded
scientist/journalist, whether echoes (as with Steffens) in choice of
friends/confidants, Baker (and his nom de plume David Grayson. Also
in their tendency to escapism (or is this just "normal" for anyone
who makes money: Steffens to Cos Cob, Baker to Amherst,
d. later careers (Steffens as pro-Soviet, Baker as Wilson admirer,
Tarbell as "defender" of big business). and legacy
I. Origins
* examination of personal careers of Baker, Tarbell, Steffens (and
London, Sinclair, and Phillips as discussed in Wilson) to see if any
common patterns.
A. Family Backgrounds. See Fitzpatrick.
B. Education and Lure of "science" : Wilson, Labor on Steffens
C. Career choices (and identity problems): uses of psychological
explanations to explain the "masculine" style. E.G. James McGovern,
"D.G. Phillips and the Virility Impulse of the Progressives,"
New England Quarterly 39
(1966), 334-55;
*hypothesis: journalism seemed to many the way to resolve dichotomies
implicit in career choices
II. The "New Journalism"
summary of movement:
John Brisbane Walker, Cosmpolitan
Frank A. Munsey, Munsey's
S.S. McClure, McClure's
A. External factors (technology etc.). See Fitzpatrick, ed. pp.
B. How revolutionary: McClure's as convergence of
several preexisting strains, and finally not as dramatically new as
sometimes stated. how did "new journalism" differ from its 19th c.
forerunners? (Wilson)? Consequences?(see list of questions in Wilson,
p. 91). Relation of "mugwump" attitude and the new cult of
"expertise" and "professionalism"? (Wilson)
a. relation between absence/presence of established literary vocation
and character of literature (e.g. , "feminization" , "democratic"
thrust? (Wilson)
b. causes of professionalization of literature/ journalism (see
c."fact" vs. "story" as expressing editor/reporter conflict, and more
generally, bureaucratization vs. professionalization.
d. relation of professions to market? how did journalism differ in
this regard from other professions emerging at same time?
C. Ways in which it shaped muckraking
1. separation of ownership and control: rise of editor
2. editor/writer conflict
* further discussion of Wilson, Labor, compared with Schudsen,
Discovering the News
II. The Crusade
* muckaking revealing in subjects discussed, as well as those largely
ignored. Overview shows how followed the "three languages" in
stressing economics (antitrust) first, political (community and
communal responsibility second), and social issues third.
A. Economic (list of leading works)
B. Political (possibly including further discussion of Lincoln
Steffens Shame of the
C. Social
*postscript on muckraking and race based on R.C. Bannister,
"Muckrakers and Race," in Muckraking Past
and Present, ed. Harrison and Stein (Penn
State Press, Fall 1973), pp. 45-64. Shows limits of genre.
III. Muckraking and
A. The press and the "New Politics" (summary of David P. Nord,
Newspapers and the New
Politics (1981).
B. The Press and the Definition of Community (Sally Griffiths,
Small Town News)
C. Presidency and the Press (including TRs attack on Muckrakers)
George Juergens, "Theodore Roosevelt and the Press," Daedalus 111 (1982): 113-33 ;
and News from the White House: The
Presidential Press Relationship in the Progressive
Era (1982)]. Discussed in light of T.Rs
redefntion of the presidency, and Herbert Croly, Promise of American Life (1909)
IV. Decline and Legacy (see Fitzpatrick,
A. Earlier explanations
1. Advertisers Conspiracy see E.A. Ross,
2. Inherent "conservatism" of muckrakers: The American Magazine as
case study
B. Literature and the Market place
1. Consumerism and the alienated self (Schudsen)
2. The contradictions of the market place (Wilson, Labor of Words)
Written by Robert Bannister, for classroom
use in History 44, Swarthmore College. May be reproduced in whole or
part for educational purposes, but not copied or distributed for