rev. for 2/11/98
*the following is a brief outline of topics to be covered, including
reference to readings to be summarized/discussed in class 11
**overview of regulation. See chart "Regulating Industry" [to be
handed out]. Also see appendix "Antitrust"
I. Changing Interpretations of
"regulatory-welfare" state [briefly and then in detail below]
A. Progressives see in terms of (1) pioneering initiatives in
1870's-1890; (2) reaction, led especially by Court in the 1890s; (3)
revival under T.R. culminating in Wilson's presidency
B. Corporatism (with reference to Kolko, Triumph of Conservatism),
but also history of concept as discussed in *E. Hawley, "The
Discovery and Study of 'Corporate Liberalism,'" Business History Review
52 (1978),
309-20. (Discuss in report below)
C. "State building" detailed analysis of argument of Stephen
Skowronek, Building a New American
State [Honors: American Political History]
chs. 1, pp. 165-76, Epilogue
D. Progressives and interest groups: analysis of Gillman,
Howard,"The Constitution Besieged: T.R., Taft, and Wilson on the
Virtue and Efficacy of a Faction-Free Republic," 179-201
Pres. Studies Q.
19 (w 89): 159-77. RECOMMENDED READING.
*interpretations in greater detail
a. Progressives/New Dealers see in terms of (1) pioneering
initiatives in 1870's-1890; (2) reaction, led especially by Court in
the 1890s; (3) revival under T.R. culminating in Wilson presidency;
(4) development under New Deal. Much of scholarship through the 1950s
was bent on establishing a tradition for the New Deal to counter the
argument that regulation was not in American tradition of reform.
Began to break down in William Letwin, Law
and Economic Policy. (do thesis
b. Corporatism (with reference to Kolko, Triumph of Conservatism),
but also history of concept as discussed in *E. Hawley, "The
Discovery and Study of 'Corporate Liberalism,'" Business History Review
52 (1978),
309-20. Note three meanings, none adequate to explain: organized
business attempts to co-opt state; theory of s government
coordination; post-hoc explanation of what occurs. [Report Jon
c. Stephen Skowronek, Building a New
American State [Honors: American Political
History] chs. 1, pp. 165-76, Epilogue
note: 1998, This reading was not assigned. The argument will be
explicated in class with reference to these questions]
1. what is political context underlying his book? could it have been
written in the 1950s or 1960s?
2 what is meant by the "functionalist" interpretation? (p. viii)? How
does he move beyond it? (p. 12)
3. New Political interpretations : what "schools" does Skowronek draw
upon? examples?
a. neo-Marxist "ongoing struggle to reconcile political
democracy with support for the private economy." He cites Alan Wolfe,
The Limits of Legitimacy (1977) as example
b. crisis sequence school. Stress high level of political
participation right before development of controls Hollingsworth,
"The U.S. in R. Grew, Crises of Political
Development (1978)
c. Critical elections theory. Periodical electoral realignments are
sporadic. Burnham, Critical Elections
4. what does he mean by " no sense of sense of a the state in the
U.S." How relate to debates over American "exceptionalism"? (ch 1)
Does development of modern state mean end of exceptionalism" and
"Europeanization" of U.S?
5. in the absence of a state what were the major organs of rule in
the 19th century? (p 15)
6. how does the "state building approach" compare with "progressive"
and "corporatist" noted above? (pp. 16 ff.) Does it contradict of r
7. what is mean by "the bureaucratic solution" (. pp. 165, also p.
287) Was it successful? what is meant by "an amorphous new
institutional politics" (p. 287) ) Specific problems?
a. failed to construct "vital role" for judiciary
b. no vital role for party?
* CF how "weak springs" of government differed in 1870s and 1920? (p.
8. how has progressive legacy played out since then (pp. 288
9. what is Skowronek's solution? do you agree? (pp. 290-91)
B. Case Studies [further comparison of Corporatist (Kolko) view in
light of Skowronek
1. Railroads [chapter 8 of Skowronek deals with this in light of his
a. Origins of the ICA (see Kolko, Railroads
and Regulation)
b. Railroad policy from Elkins anti-rebate through Transportation Act
of 1920, with special reference to theory of Albro Martin.
2. Banking :Federal Reserve Act
III. "Antitrust"
*History of antitrust" and "regulation" suggest two paradoxes
1. Extremely durable
(a) folklore, which has stirred passions of supporters.
(b) But as recent analysis says also: (i) no evidence has effected
overall wealth of country; (ii) distribution of wealth; or (iii).
Fortunes of any special interests who lobbied for it. ("a policy
without a constituency" (Dewey, pp. 1-)
2. Other is that
(a) antitrust is strong by standards of European
societies,"suggesting strong "antibusiness" aspect to culture
(b) regulation overall is much less severe. Typically, the gas,
electric-power, telephone, and railroad industries and at least one
of the major television networks are publicly owned. Some countries,
such as Sweden and Germany, have regulations requiring that labor
representatives participate formally in corporate policy-making. In
Japan, the Ministry of Trade and Industry (MITI) plays a large role
in planning industrial development.
**note source of term "trust" as by-product of U.S,. federalism
and demands of national industry. Brief review of formation of
***"anti-trust" as example of American "exceptionalism"? Hofstadter,
most typically American . But is also one which has several elements:
(1) economic: alleged efficiency; (2) political: anti-concentrated
power; (3) social moral "competition" good for the soul.
****interpretations vary accordingly
(1) genuine attempt to break up for one of several valid reasons
(2) symbolic/cathartic
(3) some but very limited effect, but not because "merely" cathartic
but because of circumstances which produced and implemented it.
A. Sherman Act to Clayton
1. Sherman Act (explicated)
2. Court action in the 1890s. E.C. Knight case revisted
*together illustrate again Skowronek theory about incapacity of
courts and parties to deal with new industrial order.
3. TRs policy defended: Bureau of Corporations and the "rule of
reason" .
4. Clayton
(a) New Freedom v. New Nationalism
(b) "teeth" or "toothless"?
*Case study: Standard Oil (cf. recent action against Microsoft)
B..Epilogue: Since the progressive era
1. effectiveness of antitrust policy through the 1920s.
2. New Deal: From production to Consumption
*based on Brinkley, End of
Reform. ch. 6
3. Antitrust in 1960s and beyond: end of a tradition? (Case of MA
Bell )
IV. The American "Welfare State"
Discussion of thesis of Skocpol, Theda, " State Formation and Social
Policy in the United States," in Social
Policy in the United States (1995), pp.
11-36 [Binder Secondary]. Also her Protecting Soldiers and Mothers (1992)
Challenging a popular perception that the U.S.historically has
resisted spending for social welfare, Skocpol cites the massive 19th
century investment in public education and the federal Civil War
pension program that by 1910 delivered benefits to more than a third
of elderly men in the North, and to many widows and orphans. From
1900 through the 1920s, federal and state governments also enacted an
array of protective legislation for women and children, creating a
"maternalist welfare state" often overlooked in histories of social
welfare. These measures, in turn, led to the burst of social
legislation during the New Deal.
Rather than being a "laggard" in welfare creation, the U.S. was
"exceptional" when compared with Europe, although prevailing
interpretations fail to explain this exceptionalism adequately.
Skocpol dismisses arguments that a "logic of industrialism" produces
social welfare measures automatically as a population moves from an
agrarian to an urban wage economy; that "national values" account for
differences (Bismarckian "patriarchalism" versus U.S. laissez-faire
individualism, for example); or that business itself pioneered a
uniquely American "welfare capitalism."
Rather, the key lies in the distinctive pattern of U.S. "state
formation." In contrast to Europe, the U.S. lacked the elements of a
premodern polity (monarchy, a standing army and bureaucracy, and
recurring mobilization for military action against relative equals).
The American "state" in the 19th century consisted of the courts,
political parties, and locally-oriented politicians. Early
democratization brought support for public schooling, while a
political patronage system fostered the Civil War benefits. When
government at last began to professionalize and bureaucratize after
1900, reformers dismantled these benefits in their battle against
"corruption," assuring that any future U.S. welfare state would not
be built upon these early initiatives. The courts meanwhile shot down
most regulations benefiting working men, the exception being the
protective legislation won largely by women for women.
*Discussion of strengths and problems with interpretation.
5 phases (from Dewey, Antitrust
1. Origins Sherman Act (1890);
One of the great landmarks in the
development of the U.S. government-business relationship, the Sherman
Anti-Trust Act of 1890 was enacted by Congress to prohibit trusts and
combinations in restraint of trade or commerce among states or with
foreign nations. The act, named for Senator John Sherman, was the
first federal law designed to deal with what was perceived as a
growing centralization of economic power by monopolistic
corporations. The Department of Justice enforces the act, although
private parties also may bring actions under the act. Numbered among
the act's
Addyston Pipe v U.S. . Court held cartel agreements to divide mkts
and set prices illegal per
se, although per se not totally
unambiguous until 1940.
CREATION (1903) of the Antitrust Division in the Department of
Breakup of Northern Securities upheld in No. Securities v U.S (1904)
Note: nothing of benefit to consumers.
2. Most spectacular results 1906-20.
MAJOR ACHIEVEMENTS were the dissolution of
Northern Securities Company (1904),
Standard Oil Trust (1911), and the American Tobacco Company
(Note: also in this period beginning of long, frustrating attempts to
use against labor violence and secondary boycotts, held illegal in
Lawlor v. Lowe (Danbury hatters)
3. Transformation of antitrust in New
*nothing much happened 1920-38
NATIONAL RECOVERY ACT virtually suspended
ROBINSON-PATMAN ACT (1936) revived and expanded the Sherman ACT
4. 1938-80
1940-49. BRINGS 382, WINS 304
5. FINAL PHASE BEGAN WITH REAGAN, JANUARY 1981. Cut back government
action to harassment of price-fixing agreements and filing against
blatant horizontal mergers.
*for detailed bibliography see Antitrust
Dewey, Donald, The Antitrust Experiment in America (1990)
Hofstadter, Richard, "What Happened to the Antitrust Movement," in
Cheit, Earl F. The Business
Establishment (1964); also Paranoid Style in American Politics
Richard Hofstadter, The Age of
Reform , chs. 4-6
Letwin, W. Law and Economic
Sklar, Martin J., 1935, The corporate
reconstruction of American capitalism, 1890-1916 : the market, the
law, and politics
(Cambridge [Cambridgeshire] ; New York : Cambridge Press, 1988
Thorelli, Hans B., Federal Antitrust
Policy (1955)
Hawley, E. "The Discovery and Study of 'Corporate Liberalism,'"
Business History Review 52 (1978), 309-20.
Kolko, The Triumph of Conservatism
Lustig, R. Jeffrey, Corporate
Liberalism (1982).
Panitch, Leo, "The Development of Corporatism in Liberal
Democracies," Comparative Political
Studies 10 (1977), 61-90.
Seltzer, Alan, "Woodrow Wilson as a 'Corporate-Liberal'"
Western Political Quarterly 30 (1977), 183-212.
Sklar, Martin J., "Woodrow Wilson and the Political Economy of Modern
United States Liberalism," Studies on the
Skowronek, Stephen, Building a New American
James Weinstein, The Corporate Ideal in the
Liberal State, chs 1,3, 4
Hays, Samuel P. "The New Organizational Society," in Jerry Israel,
ed. Building the Organizational Society
Written by Robert Bannister, for classroom use in History 44,
Swarthmore College. May be reproduced in whole or part for
educational purposes, but not copied or distributed for profit.