by (alphabetical)
"Advantages of Work Relief Over Direct Relief in Maintaining Morale
in St. Paul in 1939 F. Stuart Chapin, Julius A. Jahn American
Journal of Sociology, 46: 1 ( Jul., 1940):13-22. ]
"An Application of Ex Post Facto Experimental Design," Sociometry
, 9:2/3 ( May - Aug., 1946): 133.
"An Experiment on the Social Effects of Good Housing." American
Sociological Review 5 (1940): 868-79.
"An Institution in the Making (in Notes)," Journal of the American
Statistical Association, 25: 172 ( Dec., 1930):464-465.
"An Ounce of Prevention." Independent 82 (1915): 540.
"Budgets of Smith College Girls," Publications of the American
Statistical Association, 15: 114 ( Jun., 1916):149-156.
"Business System in the Professor's Study." School and Society
2 (1915): 709.
"Confirmation of Results of an Ex Post Facto Experimental Design by
Replication, (in Notes on Research and Teaching), F. Stuart Chapin,
Sheldon Stryker American Sociological Review, 15: 5 ( Oct.,
1950), pp. 670-672.
"Design for Social Experiments," American Sociological Review,
3: 6 ( Dec, 1938):786-800.
"Editorial," Journal of Educational Sociology, 8: 4 ( Dec., 1934):
"Effects of Slum Clearance and Rehousing on Family and Community
Relationships in Minneapolis," American Journal of Sociology,
43: 5 ( Mar., 1938):744-763. ]
"Experimental Method and Sociology." Scientific Monthly 4
(1917): 23-87, 133-43, 238-47, 413-34
"Experimental Method in the Study of Human Relations," Scientific
Monthly, 68: 2 ( Feb., 1949): 132-139.
"Growth Curves of Institutions," Scientific Monthly, 29: 1 (
Jul., 1929): 79-82.
"Growth of Bureaucracy: An Hypothesis (in Notes onResearch and
Teaching) American Sociological Review, 16, No. 6 ( Dec.,
1951), pp. 835-836.
"How We Waste Our Coal." Independent.74 (1913): 1102-1104.
"Immigration as a Source of Urban Increase," Publications of the
American Statistical Association, 14: 107 ( Sep.,
"Impact of the War on Minnesota Communities: with Reference to
Problems of Postwar Planning (in Social Research) , American
Sociological Review, 10: 2, 1944 Annual Meeting Papers ( Apr.,
1945), pp. 175-176.
"Latent Culture Patterns of the Unseen World of Social Reality,"
American Journal of Sociology, 40: 1 ( Jul., 1934):61-68.
"Letters to the Editor F. Stuart Chapin, R. P. Parsons, Hugh Mullan
American Journal of Sociology, 54: 4, Industrial Sociology (
Jan., 1949):363-368.
"Letters to the Editor Robert C. Sorensen, Thomas P. Monahan, A. Ross
Eckler," American Journal of Sociology, 56: 2 ( Sep.,
"Letters to the Editor," American Journal of Sociology, 55: 4
( Jan., 1950):401-403.
"'Mass' Versus 'Leadership' Opinion on Wartime Rationing," Public
Opinion Quarterly, 11: 4 ( Winter, 1947-1948):581-585.
"Meaning of Measurement." Publications of the American
Sociological Society 24 (1929):83-94.
"Measurement in Sociology." American Journal of Sociology 40
(January, 1935): 476-480.
"Methods of Conducting Research Courses for College Students."
Publications of the American Sociological Society 17
"Moral Progress," Popular Science86 (1915): 467-71.
"New Methods of Sociological Research on Housing Problems,"
American Sociological Review, 12: 2, The American Family and
Its Housing ( Apr., 1947): 143-149.
"New Trends in Social Research--Some Hypotheses and Some Sociometric
Scales," Journal of Educational Sociology, 11: 9 ( May,
"Notes," International Journal of Ethics, 38: 3 ( Apr.,
"Observability of Social Institutions." Sociology and Social
Research 17 (1933): 230-33.
"Opportunities for Trained Sociologists in the Public Service,"
Journal of Educational Sociology, 8: 9, Readjustments in
Business Education ( May, 1935): 568-570.
"Optimum Size of Institutions a Theory of the Large Group,"
American Journal of Sociology, 62: 5 ( Mar., 1957):449-460.
"Organizing the Labor Market." Independent 83 (1915):
"Our Submerged Forbearers." Independent 77 (1914): 30-31.
"Predicting Relief Case Loads for Minneapolis by Empirical
Procedures, 1932- 1933 F. Stuart Chapin, Ernst Jacobson, Sarah Stone
Journal of the American Statistical Association, 28: 184 (
Dec., 1933):414-422.
"Preliminary Standardization of a Social Insight Scale," American
Sociological Review 7 (1942): 214-25.
"Present State of the Profession," American Journal of
Sociology, 39: 4 ( Jan., 1934):506-508. ]
"Present State of the Profession." American Journal of
Sociology 39 (1933-34): 506-8.
"Primitive Social Ascendency," Proceedings of the American
Sociological Society12 (1917):
"Problem of Controls in Experimental Sociology," Journal of
Educational Sociology, 4: 9, The Research Number ( May,
"Progress in Methods of Inquiry and Research in the Social and
Economic Sciences," Scientific Monthly, 19: 4 ( Oct., 1924):
"Relation of Sociometry to Planning in an Expanding Social
Universe," Sociometry , 6: 3 (Aug., 1943):234-240.
"Relations of Sociology and Social Case Work," Proceeding of the
National Conference on Social Work 1919, pp. 358-65. Atlantic City,
"Rental Rates and Crowding in Dwelling Units in Manhattan (in Notes
on Research and Teaching) F. Stuart Chapin, Clarence A. Johanson,
Arthur L. Johnson , American Sociological Review, 15: 1 (
Feb., 1950):95-97.
"Report on Questionnaire of Committee on Teaching," American
Journal of Sociology, 16: 6 ( May, 1911):774-793.
"Research Note on Randomization in a Social Experiment (in Comments
and Communications)," Science, New Series, 112: 2921 ( Dec. 22,
1950): 760. .
"Research Studies of Extracurricular Activities and Their
Significance in Reflecting Social Changes," Journal of Educational
Sociology, 8 ( Apr., 1931):491-498.
"Seasonal Variation of Dependency (in Notes)," Journal of the
American Statistical Association, 18: 143 ( Sep.,
"Social Participation and Social Intelligence." American
Sociological Review 4 (1939): 157-66.
"Social Science Abstracts (in News and Notes) F. Stuart Chapin, A. C.
Hanford, Davis R. Dewey, Walter F. Willcox The American Political
Science Review, 18: 3 ( Aug., 1924):611-614.
"Social Science Abstracts (in News and Notes)," The American
Political ScienceReview, 22: 2 ( May, 1928):449-451.
"Social Science Abstracts (in Notes)," Journal of the American
Statistical Association, 23: 162 ( Jun., 1928):187-188.
"Social Science Abstracts," American Journal of Sociology, 30:
1 ( Jul., 1924):87-89.
"Social Science Abstracts--an Institution in the Making (in News and
Notes)," The American Political Scienc eReview, 24: 4 ( Nov.,
"Social Science Abstracts--An Institution in the Making An Example of
Social Invention and Social Engineering," American Journal of
Sociology, 36: 3 ( Nov., 1930):406-422. ]
"Social Theory and Social Action." American Sociological
Review 1 (1936): 1-11.
"Socio-Economic Status: Some Preliminary Results of Measurement,"
American Journal of Sociology, 37: 4 ( Jan.,
"Sociometric Stars as Isolates," American Journal of
Sociology, 56: 3 ( Nov., 1950):263-267. ]
"Some New Tools of Statistical Analysis and Some New Applications of
Older Tools (in Sociometric Measurement) Sociometry , 18: 4,
Sociometry and the Science of Man ( Nov., 1955): 447-455.
"Some Problems in Field Interviews when Using the Control Group
Technique in Studies in the Community," American Sociological
Review, 8: 1 ( Feb., 1943):63-68.
"Some Psychological Cross-Currents that May Affect Peace Plans,"
American Sociological Review, 9: 1 ( Feb., 1944):21-27.
"Some Results of a Quantitative Analysis of the Institutional
Patterns of Churches." Social Forces 13 (1935): 340-49.
"Statistical Definition of a Societal Variable," American Journal
of Sociology, 30: 2 ( Sep., 1924):154-171.
"Summary of Papers Presented at the Joint Luncheon on Social Science
Abstracts," Journal of the American Statistical Association,
27: 177, Supplement: Proceedings of the American Statistical
Association ( Mar., 1932):123-125.
"Summary of Papers Presented at the Luncheon of Social Science
Abstracts," Journal of the American Statistical
Association, 26: 173, Supplement: Proceedings of the American
Statistical Association ( Mar., 1931):187-188.
"Syntactical Analysis of Sociometric Techniques: Cases in Point,"
Sociometry , 4: 2 ( May, 1941):177-183. ]
"Trends in Sociometrics and Critique," Sociometry , 3: 3 (
Jul., 1940):245-262.
"Variability of the Popular Vote at Presidential Elections,"
American Journal of Sociology, 18: 2 ( Sep.,
"What Has Sociology to Contribute to Plans for Recovery from the
Depression?" Social Forces, 12 (1934): 473-75.
revision. 10/22/01 Robert Bannister, Swarthmore College (emeritus).
Comments, corrections to