F. Stuart Chapin

Selected Secondary Sources

About Chapin

Althouse, Ronald C. The Intellectual Career of F. Stuart Chapin University Microfilms: Ann Arbor, 1964.

Bannister, Robert C., Sociology and Scientism (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1987), ch. 10

Fine, Gary Alan; Severance, Janet S.,"Great Men and Hard Times: Sociology at the University of Minnesota," Sociological Quarterly; 1985, 26, 1, Apr, 117-134.

Martindale, Don ,"The Golden Age of Minnesota Sociology 1921 1930," Journal of the History of Sociology; 1980, 2, 2, spring, 35-60.


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University of Minnesota. Dept of Sociology. History

Latest revision. 10/7/01.Robert Bannister, Swarthmore College (emeritus). Locations refer to Tripod, catalogue of Swarthmore-Haverford-Bryn Mawr Libraries . Comments, corrections to rbannis1@swarthmore.edu.