Movies |
- All that heaven allows / 1997, VHS
- The big Lebowski / 1998, VHS
- Evita / 1996?, VHS
- Fiddler on the roof / 1996, VHS
- Homeward bound : the incredible journey / 1993, VHS
- A tale of "O" : on being different / 1993, VHS
- The tarnished angels / 1996, VHS
- Them! / 1997, VHS
- Tokyo : the eclectic metropolis / 1999, VHS
- The voice of Zarathushtra : a film / 1996?, VHS
Cornell |
- When things start to think / Neil Gershenfeld, 1999
- History of the Internet : a chronology, 1843 to the present / Christos J.P. Moschovitis, 1999
- The anatomical basis of mouse development / Matthew H. Kaufman & Jonathan B.L. Bard, 1999
- Nothingness : the science of empty space / Henning Genz; translated by Karin Heusch, 1999
- More things in heaven and earth : a celebration of physics at the millennium / Ben Bederson editor, 1999
- Technology in America : a brief history / Alan I Marcus, Howard P. Segal, 1999
- Sudden origins : fossils, genes, and the emergence of species / Jeffrey H. Schwartz, 1999
- The hunting apes : meat eating and the origins of human behavior / Craig B. Stanford, 1999
- High-performance computing in structural engineering / Hojjat Adeli, Roesdiman Soegiarso, 1999
- Design wise : a guide to evaluating the interface design of information resources / by Alison J. Head, 1999
- Measuring the universe : the cosmological distance ladder / Stephen Webb, 1999
- The meme machine / Susan Blackmore, 1999
- Tides : a scientific history / David Edgar Cartwright, 1999
- Inventing the Internet / Janet Abbate, 1999
- The paradox of sleep : the story of dreaming / Michel Jouvet; translated by Laurence Garey, 1999
McCabe |
- Web style guide : basic design principles for creating Web sites / Patrick J. Lynch, Sarah Horton, 1999
- The return of depression economics / Paul Krugman, 1999
- A distant technology : science fiction film and the machine age / J.P. Telotte, 1999
- Developing traveler information systems using the national ITS architecture / U.S. Department of Transportation, Intelligent Transportation Systems Joint Programs Office / 1998, microform
- Misreading the public : the myth of a new isolationism / Steven Kull and I.M. Destler, 1999
- Kosovo : how myths and truths started a war / Julie A. Mertus, 1999
- Race and culture in the classroom : teaching and learning through multicultural education / Mary Dilg; foreword by James A. Banks, 1999
- Disaster and memory : celebrity culture and the crisis of Hollywood cinema / Wheeler Winston Dixon, 1999
- The goals of medicine : the forgotten issue in health care reform / edited by Mark J. Hanson, Daniel Callahan, 1999
- Financing a college education : how it works, how it's changing / edited by Jacqueline E. King, 1999
- Early grrrl : the early poems of Marge Piercy / 1999
- The paradox of plenty : hunger in a bountiful world / edited by Douglas M. Boucher, 1999
- Financing the American dream : a cultural history of consumer credit / Lendol Calder, 1999
- Could this happen to your home? Find out before its too late! / 1987, microform
- Managing to make it : urban families and adolescent success / [edited by] Frank F. Furstenberg, Jr. with the assistance of Monika Ardelt, 1999
- Who's not working and why : employment, cognitive skills, wages, and the changing U.S. labor market / Frederic L. Pryor and David L. Schaffer, 1999
- Heavenly Serbia : from myth to genocide / Branimir Anzulovic, 1999
- Moral spaces : rethinking ethics and world politics / David Campbell and Michael J. Shapiro, editors, 1999
- Sentimental men : masculinity and the politics of affect in American culture / Mary Chapman and Glenn Hendler, editors, 1999
- Enemy in the mirror : Islamic fundamentalism and the limits of modern rationalism : a work of comparative political theory / Roxanne L. Euben, 1999
- Consent : sexual rights and the transformation of American liberalism / Pamela Haag, 1999
- Accidental logics : the dynamics of change in the health care arena in the United States, Britain, and Canada / Carolyn Hughes Tuohy, 1999
- The collective and the individual in Russia : a study of practices / Oleg Kharkhordin, 1999
- A Program to study the Sun's interaction with the upper Earth atmosphere to be flown on the UARS and ATLAS Missions, National Aeronautics and Space Administration / Guenter Brueckner, Judith Lean, Michael VanHoosier, 1991, microform
- Charting the course : U.S. space enterprise and space industrial competitiveness / 1989, microform
Underhill |
- Composers on modern musical culture : an anthology of readings on twentieth-century music / compiled and edited by Bryan R. Simms, 1999
- The Louis Armstrong companion : eight decades of commentary / edited by Joshua Berrett, 1999
- Metaphysical song : an essay on opera / Gary Tomlinson, 1999
- Choreophobia : Iranian solo improvised dance in the Southern California diaspora / by Anthony Victor Shay, 1997
- New World symphonies : how American culture changed European music / Jack Sullivan, 1999
- Reggae routes : the story of Jamaican music / Kevin O'Brien Chang, Wayne Chen, 1998
- Musicking : the meanings of performing and listening / Christopher Small, 1998
- The Joffrey Ballet School's ballet-fit / Dena Simone Moss, Allison Kyle Leopold; with photographs by Steve Ladner, 1999
- Careless love : the unmaking of Elvis Presley / Peter Guralnick, 1999
- Reflecting our past; reflecting on our future / Linda J. Tomko, compiler, 1997