Professional Activities
- Participant, National Research Council/National Science Foundation Undergraduate Convocation: From Analysis to Action: Undergraduate Education in Science, Mathematics, Engineering, and Technology, April 9-11, 1995.
- Facilitator: IMAST (Integrating Math, Science, and Technology): support of 25 teachers from four local school districts as they develop new pedagogical tools and methods, 1995-1997.
- Presenter: Annual Meeting of the Optical Society of America, Workshop on Laboratory Experiments in Modern Optics, Toronto, Canada, October 3, 1993.
- Panel member: National Science Foundation, Division of Lightwave Technology, regular proposals and Small Business and Innovation Research proposals, 1989-1990, Committee of Visitors External Evaluation Board for National Science Foundation, 1990, Advisory Committee for NSF, Division of Electrical and Communications Engineering, 1991-1992, Educational Directorate Undergraduate Curriculum and Course Program 1991, Instrumentation for Laboratory Improvement Program 1992-1993, Course and Curriculum Development 1992 and 1995, Presidential Faculty Fellows 1996, Department of Defense (DOD) Fellowship Review Panel for Battelle, Inc., 1990-1996.
- Participant: NSF Presidential Young Investigator Colloquium, Report Title NSF91150 - America's Academic Future
- Reviewer: IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, Optics Letters, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Journal of the Optical Society of America, the Physical Review, Physical Review Letters, Applied Optics, and IEEE Journal of Microwave Theory and Techniques